Tours Of
The Greater Boston Area
Summer History Camp

Have you ever wanted to immerse yourself in the history of Boston, the hub of the solar system? Our way of teaching history “with a wink,” at the locations where major events actually happened, makes the subject jump to life. Using humor, theatrical storytelling, and narrative formulas, we have a unique way of engaging students outside of the traditional classroom setting. With the whole city of Boston as our classroom, history has never been so fun! This 10-day summer camp for high school students is designed to accomplish three major goals.

Boston History Company Provides Your Guide to Greater Boston
Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to sponsor discounted educational tours and programs.
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to sponsor discounted educational tours for local and visiting students!

About us
Let us charm you with our highly trained staff!
Our small staff of highly trained professional performers use charm, expert storytelling, and humor to give you the experience your group is looking for.